So...Do You Want Me Or Not?

Full Story Plus Pictures, Music, And More On Wattpad.Com By:
So...Do You Want Me Or Not?
Avril Faye grew up being bullied.
She was bullied by her brother, by her pack, by everyone.
When Avril's mate rejects her and humiliates her publicly, she runs away, to the refuge of the Nightshade pack.
Her disappearance from her pack, the Moon Bane pack causes such a stir, that a pack of rogues go in search of her, convinced she's someone important, that can help them take over the Nightshade pack. When Avril returns to Moon Bane two years later, will she still be the shy, nerdy girl everyone thought she was, or will she be someone new, the exact thing the rogues are looking for?

(For the whole book, including multimedia at )

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Hi, ! I would like to invite you to join my platform. Can I DM you through your s0c1al M3d14, so I can explain it more in detail? Thank You

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Plz update this book on this tooo great book

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Where can I read the entire book?? I love it already and can't wait to read more! Please update soon!! Please!!

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Where can I read the complete book plz update

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Would have like to see how her ends up but guess will find out. Liked it

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