Deadly Beautiful.

book 1 By:
Deadly Beautiful.
Morgan Blackwood and Whitney Stellar are two girls from completely different worlds, even time settings, but will fate eventually bring them together and rock everything they might have known in a world that is nestled into the dark hands of the Night Clan?

Morgan Blackwood is a young girl from Stoke, England. Growing up in a fairly middle class household, she suffered most of her life in the hands of stomach cancer. Morgan is determined to have her strange red-eyed friend, Liam Gogh, to change her into a vampire before the cancer takes her life. Her decision to become a member of the Night Clan can have dire consenquences, but she is willing to leave her life behind for the only chance she has to survive. Will her religious family get in the way of pursuing her destiny, or will Liam Gogh be unwilling to taint her soul and turn her into a 'monster'?

Whitney Stellar, the complete opposite of Morgan, was born into a life of abuse and neglect. After running away from her problem, she involves herself with the wrong people, battling drug addictions and a rather unhealthy prostituition lifestyle. After endless therapy and rehabilitation, she will have to take a different course of action to clean herself up, even if that means she has to face the one thing she, as a human, was taught to fear: vampires.
(this book and several suggestive scenes and bad lanugage)

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hey i love you ur book and just wondering if u have it in stores or have a movie of it

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im revising and editing the first and second books , please feel free to see my changes tommorow ! thank you for reading my book and I'm glad that you all enjoyed it, thank you for promoting :)

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