echte Freunde

So erkennt ihr echte und falsche Freunde By:
echte Freunde

In diesen Buch möchten ich euch erzählen was echte Freunde ausmacht.........................................................................

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Deleted User

""more die daily"" - where?

Right after the Pulse shooting, right wing Judicial Watch FOIA'd Mateen's
HR/employment records. I'm certain they were looking for something to bolster
their anti-Muslim worldview. After reading these records which were posted
online, I came to a different conclusion. His personnel records were filled
with years of disgusting Islamophobic workplace bullying incidents by law
enforcement he worked with and... Show more

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New York, NY

We all know this, he sits in the Oval Office, Republicans control both houses
of Congress, and yet he blames the Democrats for DACA. He was the one who
poisoned DACA proposals with his unacceptable demands. American's do not want
to pay for his absurd wall. So if he decides to crash the government it might
be preferable to the direction he was taking it.

We need to get the Democrats in charge of at least one house of... Show more

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