Ode to a Train

Manet's "The Railway" By:
Ode to a Train
My interpretation of the painting "The Railway"

Poem, Manet, trains, The Railway, artist
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As a former railroad worker, I can fully appreciate the wonderment in a child's heart when viewing a train. What wonderful words to describe the moment. Added to favs. Charlie

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As a former railroad worker, I can fully appreciate the wonderment in a child's heart when viewing a train. What wonderful words to describe the moment. Added to favs. Charlie

Important Post

Nice spin on Manet's painting. I'm glad you put me on your list of friends. Now I'll have the pleasure of reading more of your poems, they are a delight. Write more and tell us when you post.


Important Post

How cool that you interpreted the painting in such a delightful RHYMING poem! Congratulations!

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