Bitter Harvest
An excerpt from "Poetry E=Motion" by Tyrone Vincent Banks. This poetry was inspired by various events that have occurred between 2001 and 2004.

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This was a very cryptic poem with at least 7 different events mentioned. I forget all of my motivation for it but I know that as I wrote it I had just read a news story about a missionary murderd in the middle-east. God took control of my keyboard and so many ideas spilled out. I give Him the glory and I hope that the greater message has prevailed.

God bless,


Important Post

Will we ever understand humanity and its wrath? I don't think so. But some of us keep trying. This is a very powerful and chilling piece of work. The years since 2001 have so far been brutal; will we understand, I asked; I hope we'll survive it. Good work!


Important Post

That was very moving, and I like how the rhyme created a tone that enhanced the somber nature of the subject matter. Thank you for sharing this!

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