renesmee's life book 1

a book about renesmee and her family By:
renesmee's life book 1
renesmee meets jacob again after 3 long years of being apart. her life is perfect until she relizes life is a lot harder than she thinks.

This Book is Part of a Series "renensmee's life"
All Books in this Series:
renesmee's life book 1
a book about renesmee and her family
Posts and Comments
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please make a different background. It's a great idea though... I love twilight. I'll still try to read it as is for now.

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okay, that was pretty good. i like the plotline, or what ive gotten so far, but i do havea few recommndations to make to make reading easier.
one: paper background. defears is right. colored paper is harder to read so i recommend changing the background to parchment or white plain paper.
two: grammar, spelling and punctuation. the areas listed before need some serious work. I had a hard time keeping up. I also suggest you hit... Show more

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but remember that colored paper is hard to read off of, at least it wasn't red or brown, keep you spelling in check

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