Surviving the Sway Boys

I Will Survive By:
Surviving the Sway Boys

Faitheny is a 17 year old girl who's parents have recently passed. In her parents' will they gave custody of her to their good friend's son. So Faitheny goes to live with him, and his 10 best friends. They call themselves the Sway Boys. She is not related to any of these boys, and she doesn't know anything about any of them. Will she survive living with 11 guys? 

Rich, Romance, Teens
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I love it till now ~♥~
Please let me know when its updated!

1 Comment

Omg I completely forgot about this book. I'm glad you like it and I'll get right on continuing to write the next chapter!

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ugh so many cliffhangers

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Deleted User

Sorry, I haven't been on this this for soooooooo long. But I just read your chapter 8 and I will say it's really good!!!!! I enjoy reading your book!!! Anyways how is your summer coming along like???


My summer has been hectic! My internet was down for most of it so I couldn't even work on chapter 8. Then, I got on today and started to work on it before I realized I had a couple of interviews to do. I just got home and I'm going to try to finish chapter 8 today. I don't like... Show more


Chapter 8 is complete! Sorry for the super long wait.

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Hey great so far plz write more. Have a good day

1 Comment

I'm working on the second chapter as we speak, but thanks! You have a good day as well...HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!

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