
and Life is just starting By:
User: tweety96
A teenager who lives with her boyfriend soon learns that she becomes pregnant. With having to take responsibility and grow up faster than intended,then she soon realizes that having a kid is not easy.

This Book is Part of a Series "Chanel"
All Books in this Series:
and Life is just starting
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My name is Zahara. I'm looking for a good relationship with you and I have something very important to discuss with you, please contact me here, then I can tell you more about myself, for me to send you my pictures ok, reply me through my private mail box (

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The story is great but after page 36 it's all over the place. Great story though I love it keep it up

1 Comment

i agree with you

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Love the book, should make a chanel 2.
book seems more realistic than others.

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