The Art of Thievery

The Art of Thievery
Within the vast realm of France, a young man aspiring to join the well known Thieves Guild passes his final examinations for acceptance. A fearsome challenge awaits him, with the thought of heavy punishment in the outcome of failure.

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Will you be putting up any further installations? I'd love to read more of the story! Can't wait to see what you've done with it ;)


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Deleted User

Enjoyed it lots, beautifully written :)

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reminds me of assassins creed :) good job, you are very talented :)

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From the very first page you have us on edge wondering if the thief will be able to fulfill the demands of Rasputin. You take us on adventure through the streets of Paris.

There were a couple of things I questioned. On page 7 At the same time, the stench of aging cheese equally dominated the street but I had to keep (would stay work better here) concentrated.

On page 8 The sun was still high, but it was also beginning to... Show more

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I must say, I enjoyed this short story, Timur. I always enjoy historical fiction. I AM puzzled why you used Rasputin as a character, although I'm certain you've done your research, and perhaps in a real way he WAS connected to the street poor of Paris in the era of your setting? For some reason I would have preferred to have seen an imagined "leader" of the poor. But your use of Rasputin in no way diminishes the quality of... Show more

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I came back for a quick vote. Good job on this story. It was intriguing and and strange all at once. Good luck in the contest. Lets both try to do our best :)

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H.Y Nept

Good work Bro, wonderfully written and elaborate as always. Sometimes you take metaphors and similes too far but it's good... As RbG said good luck in the contest though I doubt you'll need it :D

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Adam Lewis LaValley

I was just about ready to jump off my seat! Invigorating, astounding, and incredible! This is a tale that would surely turn out to be a best-seller. Use of vocabulary and dialogue is top-notch; descriptions are very well done; and the venture is past-paced and addicting!

Wow. I'm simply hooked. 8)

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