James Hansen is an accomplished scientist who keeps his life neat and uninteresting. One evening he gets behind schedule and things get messy fast. Can James put aside the gentle scientist and escape this nightmare?

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(●⁰౪⁰●) ︀➸ WWW.INTIMCONTACT.COM?_ebook-thoughtful-puppet-appearances

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great story,

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(●⁰౪⁰●) ︀➸ WWW.INTIMCONTACT.COM?thoughtfulpuppet_1328268358.4895620346

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You seem to have a bent for the horror genre. Excellent ending. Plot moves along nicely, keeping the readers interest, and keeps us asking questions, wanting to know the ending. Your quick subtle twist at the end was wonderful. Good job! Robynn

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Look to the left of your page when you click on each of your books. You will see: ADD TO GROUPS. Always add your books to at least THE READING LIST and SERIOUS WRITERS. I added Appearances for you to the appropriate groups. Valerie

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I read transfixed, wondering where this was going to go. And then I shouted "WOW" at the end, laughing with pleasure at such an unexpected twist.

Yes, dear William, you definitely have writing chops and are a wonderful transferee from Authorstand indeed. I am impressed and happy that my instincts were not wrong. The story is all that matters as minor editing can always be fixed. If you have no magical and satisfying... Show more

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I really enjoyed this and it's worth the read. Be prepared for some wackiness, but I think it works. I think this is a writer to keep your eyes on... definitely has his own thing going on, and I mean that in a good way.

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