Tales from the Sea

Davy Jones Drabbles By:
Tales from the Sea
Three Seaworthy Drabbles
1. The monster
2. The pernicious pirate
3. The passing

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enjoyed these as well. great use of 100 words.

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Thank you for pointing that out. I corrected it by deleting a word.

I guess I'm going to have to manually count all of the words in my drabble stories.

Word gave me a count of exactly 100 on every one of the stories before I submitted them. I see now I cannot believe the word count program.

And you're right...if a drabble is 99 words or 101 words the story is disqualified.

I'm happy you enjoyed Jack-o. He's a pretty rapacious parrot, isn't he? :-)

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These are nice tales from the sea. I find the second story funny. Keep it up!

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