My life as a child

A true story of me By:
User: stouttr74
My life as a child
This book is about what I had too do as a child things that I regret and things that I wish I could change.

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Whatever it is when the time comes every thing will turn to your favor. The time will come for her to realize for her actions. Every action has a reaction. Believe me, it will happen. Your love will be recognized.

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It was a very touching story.
No one should be treated like that. Sometimes Emotional abuse can be worse than physical abuse.

I lived through both. All things come to an end though, and this will as well.
The important thing is what we learn from it. It sounds like you have learned the first and most important lesson. That is not the way you will treat others.

As far as your grandma being the wicked witch of the west, sorry, that... Show more

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Was that real? Your grandma is a horrible woman if that really happened! She's like mother grothel of the movie, Tangled.

On a lighter note I like how you expressed very well yourself into writing. You can bring out the emotion of your readers.

I believe that as you grow older, you will finally learn to forgive and forget especially that she's after all a family.

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Thank you very much Lisa Marie you are very understanding but I cant look at it in a way of being silly yet my grandma does that stupis stuff all the time and I am sick of it. I just wish I was pretty cause she would love me

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i read this book and it angered me a bit, that your nan was horrid. when i was 13 i also tryed to take my life. it isnt something im proud of but it happend. now i think back and i think that it was silly to do it, you should aswell! life isnt somethink that should be taken for granted, i have now learned that at 19yrs ols. i understand that your nan made you feel like you didnt want to live anyore but dont dewell on it be... Show more

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Is there more to this story? I can see this as being a great book with some kind of ending? like how old are you now, and what has happened in that time?

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