Around The Tea-Table

User: shah
Around The Tea-Table
At breakfast we have no time to spare, for the duties of the day are clamoring for attention; at the noon-day dining hour some of the family are absent; but at six o'clock in the evening we all come to the tea-table for chit-chat and the recital of adventures. We take our friends in with us—the more friends, the merrier. You may imagine that the following chapters are things said or conversations indulged in, or papers read, or paragraphs, made up from that interview. We now open the doors very wide and invite all to come in and be seated around the tea-table.

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Hopeless, America

Trump is following the Putin playbook. It's a playbook that is taking hold in
Syria, Israel, Poland, Austria, China, Hungary...

How ironic that in the next world war it will be Germany and Japan that will
be called on to save us all.


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Wellington, New Zealand

You make some valid points but there is also something to be said for
continuity of leadership. Constant shuffling of top positions at any
organization results in confusion, chaos, and a general lack of consistency.
This is what the world sees: A confused American leadership who can't deliver
consistent messages to the rest of the world or to the American public. This
invites adventurism on the part of... Show more

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