The Guy That Made Me Smile

User: BlueBird
The Guy That Made Me Smile
Kaylee has always had an amazing life. But when a new boy moves near her house, will he make her life more amazing? Read to find out more.

Love, life, friends, boy, smile
Posts and Comments
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it's a great book, but everything seemed to happen so fast and i would really like it if u made a second book to this one


Yeah this was my first ever book. This story was all over the place lol. But its a short story so I don't think I'll be able to make a second one. Thank you, though!


Your welcome

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Deleted User

Wow. It was amazing!!!

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why didn't you add more pages like 50 chapters? i am so into this book, but when i found out the it is only 24 pages long wtff

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I loved your book !! :) Looking forward to reading more of your book ;D

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Is this a short story? Its good. I feel like it could be longer, maybe extend the story. Watch the wording, sometimes you mix up words that should be there with words that shouldn't.

I have a story as well. please read?

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'I hate it,' I said, making a disgusted face at the dress. 'It's a crime against fashion. Everyone knows that pink doesn't seem rightgo with peach. It's just wrong,' I said making a disgusted face at the dress.

I've rearranged that sentence because if you're going to use dialogue on the first line of your first page, it has to be strong.

Callie, My best friend, Callie, looked at me like I was talking... Show more

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Its a nice we story about a younge girl fallin in love with the guy...
it was sweet.
Ok, critict time.
You need to add speach marks " " not ' ' cause they make it look like quotes.
Also you need to make sure to start with capitial snetances and 'I' is a capital no matter if its half way through a sentance.
And a tip dont flat out describe the person, the way you do it is like 'she had black hair and was pretty.' but you should say... Show more

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