Financial Astrology : understanding the corporation
E-STRATEGIC ASTRO By: STEVEN SILBERTLearn how to use an ancient art to understand and time your stockmarket purchases. Examining the most fundamental stock market activities is key to your success and this guide attempts to explain the influences behind the events.
From the beginnings of time, looking at the planets has been a source of inspiration to humankind. This is not a science, nor is it mumbo-jumbo. Its good old ancient wisdom, wrapped up in a modern package. This guide will help new and experienced investors alike, to understand the inherent purpose of the corporation. Its strengths and weaknesses from within. To gain a sense of inner perspective allows one to make better choices. That is true for ourselves; it is also true for our investments.
This is not a get-rich quick scheme. It's not a way to do day-trading. This work explores the nature of companies with an eye to choosing a successful one using astrology. The author uses a classic example of Enron to demonstrate the astrology. Enron rose to fame and glory and then collapsed. The directors made hundreds of millions of dollars and then were jailed. It could have all been foreseen and this work demonstrates how.
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