Do you have this book posted anywhere else my pc sudenly started hating this website and wont let me read anything
I love this book. I would like it if you reread it and checked your spelling and grammer a bit, some parts were difficult to understand. The book was a wonderfull tale that qeunched(hoping i spelt that right) my thirst for a good romance! thank you for writing this
I don't mind that this book is a different version of Twilight but if your going to write a new version at least make it good! I hardly understood any of it! Make the sentences make sense. Write in full and not "u" and those things.
like WTF no offense but this booked sucked I did'nt even get to page 8 befor I relized it sounded alot like Twilight!
Im like a big Twilight fan nd that right there was offensive!