A Tale of Two Sorcerers
The Coup D'etat By: Sinister Cutlass"A Tale of Two Sorcerors" is a book series, serving as prequel both to Disney's 1992 film "Aladdin" and the spin-off television series. This is the first book, "The Coup D'état". The purpose of this original-character-driven series is to tell the strange, fantastical story of a boy who will grow up to become the sinister grand vizier of Agrabah, and of a girl who will grow up to wear a mantle of power and majesty that no one ever expected she would. This is the story of Jafar and Mayyadah Anvari.
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Chapter 2 should be even more so. In it, you get a chance to see the men's character's revealed more through dialogue than narrative.
Getting ready to have a read-a-thon XD