
A New Era By:
Tigerstripe is a loyal member of Rockclan and soon a proud father.
When Silverstar dies and Scartail becomes the new leader things get
complicatied when his brother Graytail becomes deputy,
that puts him and his new family in great danger.

This Book is Part of a Series "Warriors: A New Era"
All Books in this Series:
A New Era
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Personally, I like the idea, but I think you could change the punctuation and spelling a bit, and try not to make the main characters too powerful or anything-I used to make that mistake.

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Hello Im Eliezer3838 and im making a book called Warriors:The future of the Clans and it is after the events of the Vision of the Shadows it will soon be done

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I enjoyed what you got so far. I like how the style is similar to Frozen Soul which I also enjoyed but with an alternative plot. Can't wait for the next update. :D

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I'm sorry to say that ther's lots of errors in it. Could I maybe correct it but not change the actual story? Also, it is not that engaging.

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its very good and intense so far. you might want to go back and check your spelling of a few words and your grammar and puncuation could use a little work but the rest is pretty good. i like the plotline so far and it promises to very good. keep up the great work!!

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