For the Love of Life

Love, Friendship and Death (not necessarily in that order) By:
User: ssandl64
For the Love of Life
This is a rather direct approach to a literary work of poetic proportions.

Posts and Comments
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To me, your artistry is so touching and passionate.. You are inspirational.

I love you S. <3

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A painter and a poet? You are so talented. I loved these poems mom. The depth of your poetry here does not disappoint. It gleams.

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These are beautiful poems. I like the Loss and Love. Voted for it!

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I can relate on so many levels. I like your broken style and how it reflects the broken heart.

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Wow! They are great! No big words...only beautiful thoughts. A big vote...Too bad I can only vote once...I'll pass it on .


1 Comment

OMG! thank you for the rersuament and I am so glad you liked them. Sherry

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I can only comment here because you have inadvertently hit the no friend button. This is the reason for lack of communication.
It wont let me respond. Thank you for the kind words on this poem book. Sherry

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Sorry for all who reserved the second e-mail that was meant for my daughter. oopppss. :)

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