Pittsboro, N.C.
Although you had your downs, it’s nice to see you always implemented a “bright
side” to your OCD. For someone who doesn’t know a lot about OCD, I appreciate
the immense amount of detail. I would have to agree that going to college can
be an unexpected curveball and unfortunately mishaps do occur. I’m glad
overtime you became more comfortable about expressing that little piece of you
that not many knew about. Many... Show more
Pittsboro, N.C.
Although you had your downs, it’s nice to see you always implemented a “bright
side” to your OCD. For someone who doesn’t know a lot about OCD, I appreciate
the immense amount of detail. I would have to agree that going to college can
be an unexpected curveball and unfortunately mishaps do occur. I’m glad
overtime you became more comfortable about expressing that little piece of you
that not many knew about. Many things happen one step at a time, it’s as if
you were put in all of those situations for a reason, so you could finally “go
nuclear.” Expressing that bit about you and having a turnaround experience you
didn’t expect was exciting and extremely important, not only for you but for
those who are currently suffering and now get to hear your story.
Video: https://moxox.com
Music: https://muxiv.com
AV: http://yofuk.com
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