SnoppyQwops in the Attic

SnoppyQwops in the Attic
SnoppyQwops in the Attic is the first in the SnoppyQwop series of books and introduces the SnoppyQwops. The story explains to children in an adorable, fairytale fashion, the squeaking, creaking noises made by the settling of an older house. It's great for parents, who want to avoid explain the physics and engineering involved and works every to settle the wide-eyed fears of children as the hear the unexplained noises.

Posts and Comments
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This is an adorable story. I truly enjoyed it. Thank you for sharing
B. Barnett

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why do the squigglypoops look like rabbits with duck beaks and pom pom tails? As for the claws they very accurately portray my now dead bunny.

ps-I wonder how they can get their chores done though for I sure can't do a good job at dishes with long fingernails.

Important Post

Hi Kathy,

Thank you for taking the time to comment on my book. I appreciate it very much, particularly considering your line of work.

It's a bit late for me to make any changes to my book at this point as the first printing is already in progress. For some reason,the version I was able to upload to this site is missing a couple of pages. I guess the size of the files was too big or something. It makes the story a little choppy... Show more

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I am a school literacy consultant for an elementary school. I loved the topic of your story and the glimpses of your PaPa. The theme of children being frightened is so appropriate to the age of the readers to which this book is targeted. If I were to change anything I would revisit the meter of the poetry. Kids need a predictable meter or rhythm. Other than that, enjoyable creatures.

1 Comment

Hi Kathy,

Thank you for taking the time to comment on my book. I appreciate it very much, particularly considering your line of work.

It's a bit late for me to make any changes to my book at this point as the first printing is already in progress. For some reason,the version I was... Show more

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