Fifth Force

Fifth Force

Four forces create all realities but what crafts humanity’s worst criminalized-depraved-brutal actualities? Fifth Force hypothesis seeks to decipher ‘mystical code’ that plays out harmonious-melodious probabilities; supplanting them over discordant-cacophonous propensities in human world, lives. It revisits fundamentals of life-living; especially relationships, to install lasting bliss, fruition.

Fifth Force premise journeys beyond populist perceptions of good-bad, right-wrong, success, morality, even meanings and experiences; to unravel probability of a ‘Cosmic Causality’, pervading and embedded in consciousness as well as in building blocks of reality, which installs and sustains aesthetics and homeostatic synergy in emergent realities. It diagnoses pathologies; seeks code of vitality.

This eBook delves into the spectrum of reality, in a novel and alternative way; as facilitated by modern contemporary scientific knowledge of the mechanisms and processes of all realities. The Fifth Force metaphor attempts to deliberate on the cosmic construct of the criminality-depravity-hypocrisy-deception-shamelessness-brutality-insanity of contemporary humanity and in turn discover the missing element and dimension, which have potentials of nobility-amiability-mutuality-magnanimity-sincerity-fraternity. It also inquires the processes of emergence of realities within human body-brain mechanism as well as in external milieus of society-cultures, to ascertain where and how realities get aligned to discord-cacophony, instead of harmony-melody.

This Fifth Force enterprise is aimed at bringing to deliberation the reality that since ages, we all have been used to accepting meanings in a definitive way and restricted to some experiences, dominant in popular cultures and it is high time we revisit them and accept novel and alternative dimensions about them. We must revisit the earliest landscapes of brains as well as consciousness to unravel true and unadulterated feel of experiences, as they engender in brain states, representing meanings, through metaphors. We must revisit all meanings; which we take for granted and seldom think about their true nature. We must revisit critical ideas and feels of morality, aesthetics, melody, harmony, poise, emotions, righteousness, et al. This revisiting is a two-way process – first we need to unlearn this age-old and innate subconscious habit of accepting populist and intuitive meanings and experiences and secondly; we must then learn and accept a novel and alternative meanings and experiential realities, as propounded and enunciated by modern science.

It is a humble and simple hypothesis that probably contemporary humanity is in such calamitous shape and spirit because of our old, archaic, obsolete and partial perceptions about life-living realities, realities of Self and Reality of the cosmos as a whole. That is why I continue to write about probable novel and alternative meanings and experiences, so that you embark on this new journey, which contemporary science beckons you to. This is the road to neo-spiritualism as knowledge is true divinity. This is the definitive journey towards the optimization of your true potentials. All meanings as well as experiences in life-living must always align to potential optimization. Thanks. Welcome.

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