Sometimes I find a line in a poem that really touches me. Sometimes, although not as often, a whole poem does.
It has been a long, long time since a book of poetry, in its entirety, has stirred me like this one.
You have a natural gift.
Thank you for sharing it.
Bookmarked and downloaded to return to at my leisure.
Best, Peter
p.s. The only downside here is that you have made me so jealous... lol
Highly recommended, strong free verse poetry that depicts themes such as lost love and the sad plight of the homeless yearning for the glory of the past, linked with the relentless and unforgiving harshness of winter. My favorite poem was "Coat of Many Colors." The only suggestion is to reedit so that all poems are the same font size and the title and poem appear on the same page.
Thanks for the suggestions. Now as soon as I figure out how to go about editing accordingly, I will! When it comes to maneuvering in Computerland, I am nearly a complete know-nothing. And thank you for your kind comments about my winter poetry collection.
You have put together a group of stories that build character in leaves, blobs of cars etc. GREAT!
My favorites are'Blue','December and the words "caught snowflakes on Smoking tongues" .Well done.
Some work is needed with empty pages and arrangement of poem to page. If you do this you'll earn a star!./Joe /We Italians have to stick together.
If i am right?
Yes, Joe, we Italians should look out for one another!
I am a novice when it comes to this site. I don't know how to work the pages so none are blank.
The poetic dictum reflect deep immersing into wintertime meditativeness with tipsy melancholiness a whit.
Thanks! I tried to allow these "winter" poems to reflect the cold emotions
associated with the season.
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