One Moment More

Will one moment be enough to make him stay? By:
One Moment More
Valentine’s Day—the holiday of romance.

For sixteen-year-old Reina Williams, it was supposed to be just another day, as were the days leading up to it. Nothing special or out of the ordinary. But when, on the day before, her best friend convinces her to take a break from the boring old tradition of spending the holiday with some chick-flicks and a box of chocolates, and convinces her to attend a late night Valentine’s Day celebration with their friends, things spiral a little out of control, and what was supposed to be just another quiet night turns into something so much more.

A night filled with passion and love and hate and pain and all the little things she never could have anticipated. Including the boy who she had always wanted to stay with her one moment more.

Posts and Comments
Important Post

Very cute beginning - I can't wait for the rest of the story (the good stuff!) to get underway. Let me know when you update :)


Aww, thank you! Will do! :)

-S. J. Evans♡


More More More! :D

Important Post

S T E L L A!

I have to admit, your book is fantastic! So many details and I feel like I can see myself in your book! Tell me when you update! I want to be the first one to read it.



S P E N C E R!

Wow! You really think so? That's incredibly kind of you! Thank you so, so much for that! It means a great deal to me. And don't worry; I will be sure to update you the moment after I post the next chapter. :)

-S. J. Evans♡


I'm looking forward to it.

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