User: R A Rice

As one of the sun’s light beams shown down through the golden autumn trees, he noticed a very small dot of a target, straight ahead of him. He quickly drew an arrow from the quiver, nocked it and let it fly. The arrow hissed through the cool autumn air, but suddenly, just when he had expected it to hit the mark; He instead heard a horrifying scream that made him flinch and lose track of where the arrow had gone. Jason’s heart pounded in his throat, and he stood perfectly still, for what seemed to be an eternity. He listened and watched but nothing moved. There were no sounds at all. Had he killed an animal? For once he wished he were not all alone in the woods. After a moment or two, when his heart finally returned to a more normal beat, he cautiously approached the area where the arrow had vanished. The moment he stepped into the vicinity of his last target, the hair on the back of his neck stood on end. The leaves rustled before him in an odd breeze as a large dark circle suddenly appeared before him.

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Fantasy, Magic, Adventure
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