Never Ending Life

Where there's life, there's Death By:
Never Ending Life

The guy (Calvin) has three younger sisters. He knows alot about medicine and is very smart. Could maybe even come up with a cure with the right equipment and time etc. There father died when they were young, but because of how good his job was, they had enouhg money to never nead to work and still be rich. So there mother was always with them. She died in a car acident when the zombies broke out. Since then the guy has taken care of his sisters, and they barely survived. There parents had a safe room in there house, stocked with supplies. So they stayed there through out the whole thing. But they ran out and had to leave. They got supplies and were goona go back to the safe room in there house, but here was a gang of people there. They got away without being seen, but they've been trying to find a way out for a while.


The girl (Tatiana) used to have an older brother who was her best friend. she wasn't very popular in school with the other kids, so he hung out iwth her and kept her company, and always put her before his friends. When the apocolyps started she was with her brother, and they both had to watch quietly as there parents were killed in front of them. They were poor so they didn't have anything to bring with them when they ran away. Her brother was super athletic and taught her everything she knows. He helped her survive. One day a group of people (gang or whatever who steal from others to survive) came and stole their stuff. They to of them were taken and tortured by them. She was better at torture than her brother. But she still screamed. Anywhoo when they got bored of her brother, they tortured him to death in front of her. They reaped her, but she managed to escape when the guys were asleep. She got pregnant from the rapers and a doctor she found told he it was a girl. But the girl died in her. 


The guy and his sisters all have brown hair and green eyes.

2= Layla

6= Samantha

8= Daina

18= Calvin


The girl and brother both have blonde hair, she has blue eys and he had brown eyes.

18= Tatiana

20= Joshua (dead)

5= Suzie (black horse with a while spot on face)

The zombies have been around for 1 and a half years.

Zombies, Death, Reborn, Survival
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