Lawrence, KS
If Mike Pompeo is so brilliant, how can he possibly contemplate a war with
either Korea or Iran without recognizing that absolutely nobody knows what the
outcome will be? I don't comprehend all this ""brilliant"" talk about Pompeo.
I've had slew of young relatives graduate from the service academies and Ivy
League universities. One was offered a Rhodes Scholarship. Even so, each and
every one of them survives in the... Show more
Wine, Beer & Cocktails
Just as he is seems unwilling to stand up to Russia, Donald Trump will never
stand up to the NRA. Or to anti-immigration hard-liners. Democrats must
realize by now that when Trump appears to embrace a part of their agenda, he
is merely pandering to his audience (whether it be teachers, governors, or
moderate members of Congress). He is the ultimate political coward. Of the
countless lies that Trump has told... Show more
Longmont, CO
I am lucky to be in a profession that allows me to decide how much and where
to work. Health care is good that way. It is also a much undersupplied area
where experience is appreciated.
Having worked full time as a Nurse Anesthetist in various clinical areas, I am
semi retiring at 66, moving closer to my daughter and her family and working
PRN 8 hr days. After workimg 10 and 12 hr days for years this will be like
... Show more
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