Nicely written, clean and well edited. Certainly held my attention. A very good read.
s.s. "The Camera"
Very, very clever; because it didn't follow the usual "left behind" plot, it kept my curiosity right to the end. The sign of a well-written story is evident here: I didn't have to agree with the premise to thoroughly enjoy the story. The conversation with "God" was hilarious, your descriptions were concise and effective; I'm so glad gooduklady recommended your entry! It's got my vote and is going into my Favorites. Now about the puppy dogs... is hard to see God as a bespectacled humanoid BUT I loved the story and am so happy that God {you in this case - I got so carried away I forgot the writer} decided to go with the creature closest to the one that exudes His nature - unconditional love! Does the dog get to use the tree?
An interesting twist on the idea of the so-called apocalypse and subsequent re-generations of the world.