Crush: A Tale Of Silent Love and Admiration

User: Ritz
Crush:  A Tale Of Silent Love and Admiration

We all have crush on someone at some point of our life, its  a beautiful story which remains unfold forever.  A chase which never ends but still we all love it. A stranger who knocks at the door of your heart silently and before you realize they become permanent resident.  Your adrenaline level rises and your eyes spark whenever you see your crush. Beauty about having a crush is that the person who rules your heart doesn't even have slight clue about this. The same person can make your day when she/he is around, and the same person can ruin your day if you cannot see them. And believe me all this happens for a person who is not even a part of your real life. That's the charisma of crush.


This story is dedicated to all those who have encounter crush at some point of their life.


Posts and Comments
Important Post

This was so beautiful! I didn't want the story to end.. your way of describing is pleasingly distinct, keep up the good work :)


Thanks Sakshi... I try to keep narrations as realistic and natural as readers can connect with it.


Yep that's true !

Important Post

A beautiful narration on real life crush encounter.

As you read down the lines...this will surely take you back to your own days.

We all have crush at some phase of our life and this feeling is always special.

Please read, comment and share.


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