"The Other Side of L.I.F.E. 'Living In Faith Ever'

Our Spiritual Relationship with God 1Corinthians 3:16, 6:17, 12:12-31, 14:1-39 2Corinthians 3:16-18, 6:17, 18, By:
User: rsjmack
"The Other Side of L.I.F.E. 'Living In Faith Ever'
This book is about what I believe God wants from us as I have learned from my studies and guidance of the Lord. What we must learn that we are all sinners and in order to give that up we must be willing to read the Bible daily, Listen to God speak to us, do His will and let nothing interfere with our doing His will and Live In Faith Ever with Him as our center point of LIFE no matter what. As Jesus showed us with His LIFE here on earth, He went through all the some troubles that we go through but on a larger scale then you or I can, in fact the question is, Would you give your life to save not only every one or even just one whom you love? As Jesus points out I trust you so the question we must ask ourselves is Do we trust Him? If we just cultivate that which we have learned from Jesus life we could be not only better human beings but better Christians with better lives for us and our brothers and sisters in Christ

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Faith speaks a million languages. We live by our faith, not by our sight. Faith without actions is still not yielding. Faith in Jesus is enough to have a life on earth. He gave His life in order that we may have life abundantly.

The author of 'Seed of 3 goals, 1vision'
Panchal Antonees

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