
User: mutter8
I'm writing this book in honor of everybody out there who has ever been bullied. I have and I've seen others go through it. It's not something that anybody should ever have to go through. Tell somebody, speak up. You have a voice and you can use it. Remember that. Sometimes actions can speak louder then words.

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Hey will you please wright more?

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Thanks. I never thought of the separate chapter thing. I'll have to do that when I get done with this chapter. I'm hoping to get a lot of positive feed back on it when I'm through. Glad to know somebody liked it! If you have any more suggestions feel free to let me know. I'm always open to constructive criticism.

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Good job :) keep writing and don't stop to edit anything minor until you are finished.

Suggestions: Do a separate chapter for the note from the author, as well as the prologue. Also take the time to properly space everything, which trust me I know what a pain it is to do so.

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