
What would it feel like to know everything? Shall I tell you? It sucks. Knowing how the world was made, when it will end, and to know everyone in the world. Let me tell you, it gives a major headache. Every time a child is born, or someone dies, its like a wrecking ball just hit me. Its because I actually knew them, or know them. When someone dies, I feel like I lost a friend, because I know their lives, its like I’ve lived their life. When someone is born, it gives a major headache. It sucks even more when someone is born about every 5 seconds. So fitting in and going to school is out of the question. Wings don’t make it any better. Neither does people chasing you. For what reason, I sure do know. So, living on my own, no one else. At least I’m learning to block out everything, my record is four days without knowing anything about anyone else but me. But, that isn’t long enough for me, I want it to go away, and will keep looking for a way. Hu, funny. I know everything but that.

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Ya, I just had a random idea, and couldn't think of anything else....brain fart...I'll add more today

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Important Post

seem like it would of been a good book if u would of let me read more than jus one page

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very unique idea and you have a great writing style. looking forward to reading more. keep up up with your writing.

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