This end of the world tale is told from a unique perspective. It seems almost loving, in a way. You write very descriptively and are quite talented. I enjoyed your tale very much. You've got what it takes to be a topnotch writer, girlfriend! Best wishes!
You have my vote your story was very interesting, I liked your comparison.Sorry I have to rush, time to pick up the kids Serena Congratulations on being a new mother.
again, thanks for your vote, if you click on the picture on my profile, that's my little guy from the first day I brought him home.
I enjoyed your different slant on the End of the World.
I have added my vote.
thanks for the vote! I hope when the time comes to be nominated for a wildcard vote, if there is one this time. It would be nice to win something. however writing is it's own reward and i love it when someone apprecciates what i have written.
A lovely sad thought provoking story
you get my vote
every vote helps! Thank you for your comment as well.
Becky, you captured Gaia in a new and profound way. How sad this End of the World tale is; how like a mother's her emotions and love...were. vote:)
as a new mother, I'm always learning, and trying to use my new experiences for my writing. I guess that kind of came through in my portrayal of mother earth. Thank you so much for the compliment and the vote.
glad you enjoyed it. I hope that when the time comes, if there is a wildcard thread for this contest that i'll get to be entered for that.
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