My Partner Sam

63rd Street By:
User: usmcgunny
My Partner Sam
Follow the antics of a revived soul, Sam the Cat. And his former partner, detective John Gannon. A fun filled tale with adventure, drama, action, and humor.

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Isn't the eyes on the cover the eyes of toothless off how to train your dragon ? (:

1 Comment

No! It came off of graphics program for cat's eyes.

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I'll keep in mind in the future. I tend to forget that reader's today have more information and knowledge of terms.

Of course in my book about Vietnam that is necessary. Maybe Sam will get that bowl of beer in a future book, LOL!

Thanks again.

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I don't know why, but I was very surprised when Sam went down in a hail of gunfire. What was I expecting? But when I read of Sam's encounter with Virgil, I knew I was onto something very good:)

I would like to have seen Sam GET that bowl of beer:)

Great, light story, and your knowledge of the city and the police force showed through, Gunny. Only one small thing I noticed that correction thereof would improve the story I... Show more

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This one is still in editing. I had put it aside for a while. I will look at it again soon.

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Deleted User

I just read half of this in one go, and it was a really interesting and entertaining read. I really enjoyed your take on the story - and your take on heaven rejecting Sam and sending him back as a ..... It's very original, which is great too see! My only advice is that when you have time you need to go back and read through it. There are a couple of minor spelling errors, and I find that you tend to use commas in places that... Show more

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Review - First, awesome cover! And it is well written. You definitely have done your research. Enjoyed the 'cat' concept. It was a different take on coming back down here for unfinished business. Keep my interest throughout. Loved that you left it open for a 'sequel.' Let me know if you add another chapter in the Chronicles of Sam and John. Wonderful job. Robynn

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