Stalker Diaries

Stalker Diaries

"It's a lie. Something like this wasn't supposed to happen!"


Charles Smith, a 16 year old boy finds himself in Reveres High School after a long summer break. Back in school he suffers from major bullying that no one seems to notice not even his own teachers. His mother doesn't know, his father doesn't either, no one knows except for him and everyone within his school. It seems like the Devil is trying his hardest to make sure that Charles' life is a living Hell with the goal of making the poor boy kill himself.


When the noose is tied and Charles head is already in, there seems to be no hope for him until an angel appears in the form of Alan Wright, a 16 year old transfer student.


After saving Charles, a friendship like no other is born between the two, but is it really just that, friendship? A feeling in one of them begins to manifests itself into an unhealthy obsession leaving the other scared for, not only his own well-being, but everyone he knows and love.

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Well I finally got to read this, and it brings back so many awful memories. It's tough being a teenager, and when people make fun of you or treat you bad it just makes it worse. I can recall my first day of high school, I couldn't open my locker and people were standing around laughing. I was just about to give up, when a senior taught me the trick to getting the blasted metal thing open. He tried to console me by saying, it... Show more

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(ᵔᴥᵔ) ⇝ WWW.INTIMCONTACT.COM?ov5b6b9a3455355_1429673583.0267848969

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I will give this a shot, after I have caught up on my other readings.

1 Comment
R.J McIntosh

Got'cha Got'cha!
Glad you'll give it a go!

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Evan A13

fyi within is spelled wrong on you description lol that just caught my eye not to be picky lol :D

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Evan A13

Yeah What lucia said but i am just going to say THIS BOOK IS AMAZING!!!!!!!! it is so good you could feel the pain that he was going to hiding in the bathroom keeping his head down the thought of suicide it i amazing congratulation please please Edit it :D

1 Comment
R.J McIntosh

Okie dokie,
I'll be editing
once the book is finished.
As of now I'll be adding chapter 3.

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This was pretty good.

The only advice I could give you is to try to break your paragraphs into 2 or 3 parts. Some of them are a bit chunky and can become a bit tiresome to read. And after a dialog, try to start the new sentence as a new paragraph. This way, the whole text will be more airy and the readers will have a better experience.

Keep up the good work!

1 Comment
R.J McIntosh

Oh I see what you are saying.
I never thought it hard to read,
so I assumed it wouldn't be hard for others,
but thanks for telling me that.

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Something new for me to read.

1 Comment
R.J McIntosh

Glad you found it interesting enough
to read! I'll keep updating, so I hope you'll
continue reading until I've finished. Thanks for
adding to you favs. by the way. Really boosting my
self-esteem here ^^!

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Deleted User

This is actually really good... Like really really really really really good.

6 Comments | Show Earlier Comments
R.J McIntosh

Don't worry ^^!
I'll update it this weekend most
likely. Life was hectic last week so
I didn't get a chance to update it.
(Should be on chapter 4 by now,
but sadly that is the way of life.)

Deleted User

Okayz!! At least your going to update! ^.^ And yes life is mean... So very mean. ._.

Evan A13


Important Post
R.J McIntosh

I didn't want to do this, but I will!
Let me know how ya feel bout it, to save my
sanity please? This whale can go crazy. OAO

1 Comment
Evan A13


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