First and Last Kiss

First and Last Kiss
"Well since I cant fulfill my fantasies with you like I would've loved to hopefully this kiss will help me remember your sexy features.Then in i went for a big juicy wet one! I stuck my tongue down his throat and went around his mouth to let him know that this was our first and last.

Romance Contest
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lovelyladis Edited about 13 years ago

thank you, all of you. This book was for the kiss me contest nothing advanced but my favorite book that ive written is kissing in the snow. i read some of the oother entries and felt like mine wasnt good enough

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cassie.parker Edited about 13 years ago

I liked what you have written but you might want to change the text color. That's really the only thing you have to worry about changing. So you have good writing skills and I hope you keep writing.

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judycolella Edited about 13 years ago

A suggestion - red letters on a red background are really hard to read. It took me a long time to get through each page because I had to keep adjusting my screen. If you want to keep with the "love" theme in terms of colors, try using a light pink for the letters.

It's a sweet tale, but if you're really only twelve and writing stories as sexually advanced as this, you might want to consider that most girls your age don't think... Show more

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Deleted User Edited about 13 years ago

I like it.

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