The Dent in My Head

User: prandall
The Dent in My Head
My entry in the Life Memory Story Contest. Please... no jokes like "well, that explains everything" or "lucky for you it was just your head."

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Deleted User

Sometimes everything is going wrong;-) I enjoyed this entertaining story and the fine sense of humour.

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Deleted User

This made me laugh a lot! I could easily "see" the whole scene- too bad I don't know the UVic campus better; if I did I'd be able to imagine it all even more vividly!

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You have a flare for humor! Entertaining, light, great word descriptions. You have a way of putting words together that elicit a most delightful giggle. Great job! Robynn

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ROTFL!!!! Fun read. Good descriptive talent with well placed humor.

I think you cheated with your writing though- with such good subject matter, how could you possibly mess it up?

Well done.

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I enjoyed your story very much and even laughed a couple of times. Was I being insensitive? I hope not.You showed how a simple visit to the restroom could be dangerous. Good job.

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When everything can go will:) I laughed my arse off, watching you teach that bathroom stall a lesson, P:) The only thing that could have made it even funnier (though it would have been a stretch of the, erm...truth) is had he stepped on a rake on his way to the gymnasium or hospital!

Great writing and so funny.

Important Post

An adorable incident told with all the humor and self deprecation expected of you. I enjoy the way you put your stories together (in pdf format) as they are pleasing to the eye. Again - no errors - perfect grammar - and a hilarious re-telling of what was certainly an embarrassing and painful experience.

Good job Mr. R.

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