Eine Handvoll Reue

Eine Handvoll Reue

Als Überbleibsel seines geliebten Vaters findet er ein ominöses Dokument, das seltsame Zeichen und Koordinaten enthält. Mithilfe eines Freundes wird er über die Hintergründe dieses Dokuments unterrichtet. Das hält ihn nicht davon ab, sich auf eine lange, gefährliche, mysteriöse Reise zu begeben, die nicht nur Tote, sondern auch seinen gesunden Verstand fordert.

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Bergen County , NJ

My take: Making citizens show an ID to vote is unconstitutional. A government
ID costs $30. This constitutes a poll tax. The 24th Amendment prohibits poll

A stretch? Perhaps. But note this; The 24th Amendment was ratified because
some states – mostly in the South – were finding ways to circumvent the 15th

As per the Pew Research Center: ""Poll taxes were among the devices used by
Southern... Show more

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Hill Country, Texas

There's surprising little the police can do to force elderly to accept
treatment, unless their unattended stove is causing a fire right now. Perhaps
this is at it ought to be to prevent officers from exercising their all too
numerous biases.
APS also seems to have a pretty high threshold, in my experience. I wonder if
the landlord could just refuse to renew the lease.
I would gather the relative appears hostile... Show more

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Spannend und gut geschrieben.
Aber - irgendwie fehlt da doch was... Oder?

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