The Redemption of Marvin Fuster

The Redemption of Marvin Fuster
Final revised edition.
Marvin Fuster, a useless, aged alcoholic, takes a fall out of a dumpster head-first one summer evening. He awakens days later in a hospital ward—in love with a woman from a series of delirious dreams. After experiencing a miraculous cure, he embarks on a wild mission to isolate the human aging gene, reverse his age, then find and win the heart of his dream girl.

Posts and Comments
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I remember loving this when you sent that email with the excerpt. Everyone who reads this had to leave at least a decent comment, or else they'll have to deal with my wrath (which is actually just me typing lol). :D

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I haven't finished, but I just wanted to say how much I am enjoying this. I love the wonderful pictures you paint and the way your words flow! Wonderful! Now back to reading.

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I can't wait to finish this. Read the first chapter and I'm hooked. Lovely, poetic way of describing his love for the woman.

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Congrats On Getting er done! I'm getting reading to embark on a long read here! See you when I get Back, LOL!

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