The Arrangement

My Arranged Marriage By:
User: pai98ge
The Arrangement
this story is about a girl called channel chloe jade, she is told that she has an arranged marrige to a werewolf. she goes to her fiance school his name is Preston Palmer there is a incedent that happens in class which leads to someone getting in a whole lot of trouble. what will he tell her after he askes for his parents permission to tell her.

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I love it so much. Please tell me there is more to it

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Deleted User

The I'm need to be capitalized and there are spelling errors every were

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I love the book but it needs more to it. you need to tell us more about what is happening in the story and go in depth a little. Other than that you are doing great on the book!!

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its an okay book its not my fav but its also not like i hate the book i think somone should make anther one it keaves so many queshtions

1 Comment

i will get right on that

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