Do You Remember Me?

User: vmartin
Do You Remember Me?
What would you do...

if you'd been held captive for a whole year, forced to love your worst enemy while your heart is stuck on someone else...
and when you finally escape...

your true love no longer knows you...

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(°ᴗƪ) ➜ ︀↪ WWW.INTIMCONTACT.COM?_ebook-onyx-do-you-remember-me

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Amazing.. I cudnt stop reading this untill D end.

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(°ᴗƪ) ➜ ︀↪ WWW.INTIMCONTACT.COM?vmartin_1329004695.4386808872

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I could not stop reading until I was done. You need to update soon

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I thought something like a horror story or at least a suspense novel. You have to do a sequel to that one with that epilogue. That is one hair raising story and never lets up. I had to keep reading once i started it. Well done.

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after i read the last part of the book i was shocked. I love your book. Check out my book on my profile page.

BYE =0

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thanks! i know i didnt do a good job on editing and i kow i rushed it alot but i was tired of this one. i was so eager to start this new one.

and originally, they WERE in italics but bookrix changes it when it gets copied onto here and im always too lazy to go back and change it back.

anyways, thank you so much! im glad you liked it!

1 Comment
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Omg the cat you have as your profile looks exactly like mines just that my cat has white spots on his nose like a horse does... XD

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Review - Great plotting, story twists and love story all wrapped into one. Of course could use some sprucing up in the editing department, but overall, nice job.

My only suggestion is for the flashbacks, please put into italics. I was confused a few times trying to catch it was a previous memory that was going on.

Good job. Robynn

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wow, thank you!

i actually finished this story over the past weekend but it was VERY rushed so the second half is really bad...

right now i'm editing everything and will be uploading the final draft either monday or tuesday

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