
User: mr.ofer
Leonardo is a special boy with an emotional disability. But this is not to say that his ability to see things for what they are is in any way inhibited compared to other boys or even the grownups.

In Leonardo's house there lives a Wretch, which is another word for a special kind of servant that every house in the city has. In fact, Wretches are all over the city, being put to use to do every conceivable work that can bring the people comfort.

Recently, questions have arisen regarding the true nature of Wretches. What are they? Where did they come from? What underlies their servitude to the people?

At first the answers to these questions are accepted with great enthusiasm by everyone, including Leonardo and his family. And including Jessica, the leader of a rising movement of people who want the truth to come out. But with time it appears that the answers are not as they seemed, and the people start to reject them.

Soon, Jessica is torn down from her pedestal and is renounced as a dangerous heretic. The people want a certain truth, and they will not accept anyone who questions it. And when even his mom joins the crowd, Leonardo is left confused at his chessboard, where his thoughts are the clearest. What is true, and what is right? And how could a little boy with an emotional deficiency be right when everyone else tells him he's wrong?

This story is intended to play on more than one level, and the reader is invited to seek out these levels, or to find new ones altogether.

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