I'm a big Supernatural fan, so I'm looking forward to reading this.
However, I think you need to mention it's a fanfiction and that credit goes to the creators of the show. You should put it in the blurb :P
is being featured in the new YoungWriters contest.
Please vote in the thread if you would like it to win. Simply press the green plus sign
Wow. I absolutely loved this piece. Not only does it combine fantasy and a real-world image, but you also display your characters colorfully - they are alive and interactive. The storyline flows smoothly, and you keep the reader's attention up to the end.
I'm thrilled that you like it! I decided to break it up into books about each Hunt. This is the whole story, which I almost titled "Crossroad Blues," but decided on "Ares." Next, is my book "Croatoan."
For more info on Skinwalkers, I started a discussion in the "Science Fiction/Fantasy Writers" group.
Review - You writing is very mature for your age. This is a good thing! Liked how you built your characters. Gave your Skinwalker attitude, but intelligence. Did a nice job of making Sam and Dean's personalities different and distinct.
You created interest, such as what is a Skinwalker, what's her history with Dean and what will they run into next?
This is your art, and you are good. I'm not an editor, just an avid reader.... Show more
Thanks! I'm what you could call addicted to "Supernatural," so I know the boys' personalities pretty well. Fitting Ares in was the real challenge!
I've read a lot of fan fiction, and most of it is a poor attempt at being compatible with the real thing. Yours, however, is well-worded, your dialogues are excellent, and you definitely have captured the personalities and flavor of the series. Great job - I look forward to reading more!
It's really good so far, i'd love for you to write more! The background makes it more interesting and it sounds like you have a nice plot.
i agree. but it is really great
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