USA Darts

Steel Tip Tournament Results By:
User: nsb525
USA Darts

This book has been compiled to provide details of tournament winners and runners up of USA steel tip tournaments.


Every effort has been used to identify and correctly record winners and runners up of tournaments. In some cases there will be results “missing”. If these can be identified they will be included in a future edition. There maybe errors with names being mispelt and ladies surnames may have changed.


Where possible, hosting organisation and the year that the tournament was first held will be listed. Other facts about the tournament will be listed if available.


Besides tournament results, there are two chapters that were authored by Chuck Hudson.  One chapter is on the founding of the United States Sports Darts Alliance (USSDA) and the other is Sandy Hudson a professional player.  Both of these chapters are an interesting read and provides a snapshot of darts in the US.


This book provides the reader and dart enthuiast information on other published books and magazines, links to web sites of dart manufacturers, Professional Bodies and Organisations, dart stores, and Country Darts Organisations.


This is not a comprehensive list but begins the work of collating details into one place. Instead of being scattered around the World Wide Web across many sites and publications.

Many dart tournaments in 2020 will be cancelled due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

This eBook is available at the following stores (among others):

and in many other eBook-stores

Steel tip, Paul Lim, American Dart Association, ADA, American Dart... Show more
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