Austin, TX
it is difficult to view any of this as a strategy because it doesn't seem like
Trump is capable of thinking out anything and sticking to it. Trump is what
you call an undifferentiated ego mass, that is a clump of matter that doesn't
have any definition, adherence, convictions, just a big ball of cells rolling
around and doing damage with no allegiances or goal other than self-
preservation. The system of checks and... Show more
Austin, TX
it is difficult to view any of this as a strategy because it doesn't seem like
Trump is capable of thinking out anything and sticking to it. Trump is what
you call an undifferentiated ego mass, that is a clump of matter that doesn't
have any definition, adherence, convictions, just a big ball of cells rolling
around and doing damage with no allegiances or goal other than self-
preservation. The system of checks and balances developed by the founding
fathers only works when the other branches of government are willing to assume
their roles of intervening to prevent any single branch from exercising
excessive and / or dangerous power. If after all of this, the Republicans have
not been willing to step up and do something I'm afraid that this will persist
until the damage is irreparable, which doesn't seem that far down this line.