kein Problem, alles ok !

Oder doch nicht ? By:
kein Problem, alles ok !

Der ganz normale Wahnsinn.
Alltägliches zum Schmunzeln und Genießen, in der Freude, daß dies ja anderen passiert, nicht einem selbst.
Oder vielleicht... doch ?


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Plzzz. ︀Write ︀me! ︀I ︀m ︀waiting ︀for ︀you, ︀open ︀link ︀>>>>> WWW.FANTAZM.ONLINE?_ebook-nicki-cross-kein-problem-alles-ok

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Shelter Island, NY

GATT and WTO have made a groundbreaking job in liberalising trade for all
countries and spreading wealth over the world. They are stilling that. This
process is under democratic control for the most part making sure that many
can benefit. Unfortunately the US has given most influence over the process to
the corporations, led by the US Chamber of Commerce. Democrats have for the
most part been fighting for the... Show more

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