The Frog and The Scorpion

The Frog and The Scorpion
This is an installment in a series of fable re-writes.

The series is titled: Æesop Don't Live Here No More.

The moral of these stories are... never moral.

Posts and Comments
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Haha! Thoroughly enjoyed this fable, Barry. It's always a good idea to blame the French for all ills! LOL

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Deleted User

That was pretty funny, but you had me worried about the scorpion stinging the frog, I heard a story like that before when I was about 5 from my grandma.

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this very funny tale - I can see where the ending of the tail was a major always, Barry, I was entertained and my laugh for today sustained..p;]

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Deleted User

In this short story. Our friend mixes Fables with Kafka to a delightful ending.

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