The Book of Moncoto

User: MaiaCer
The Book of Moncoto

Twelve-year-old Dawn Marie Baxter, a spoiled but generous rich kid, is killed in a boating accident with her grandmother. Or, is she?

The Book of Moncoto is the story of her continued existence in a magical land.

Everyone in the village is happy with their new lives. Nana, her grandmother, trusts in the magic. Dawn, however, refuses to believe the magic that sustains their existence is anything but advanced technology and is determined to find a way to thwart it.

Dawn's plan to locate a special stream, she's convinced is a portal, and return her grandmother and herself to their former life ends in catastrophe for her Nana and the village of Laven-Moors. Now, she has to save her grandmother, the village, and attempt to win back her life through a quest that may be doomed to failure. 

This middle-grade fantasy plunges us into a world of magic, mystery, and danger.

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Linnet Lawrence

Twelve (12) year old Dawn Baxter and her paternal grandmother are killed in a boating accident. They awake to find themselves in a magical land. In this place all their needs are met with just a simple thought. However, Dawn is determined to find a way to return to their former life in the real world. Her search for a way to escape this world and return home leads to a series of adventures as she seeks the Fairy, Moncoto.
Dr.... Show more

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Patricia Montclair

Dr. Mosetta Penick Phillips-Cermak is a brilliant writer and weaves a colorful and exciting story for young people that even adults will find entertaining. This story is good for helping teens learn about consequences. The little girl, Dawn, makes a bad choice that leads to a consequence that cannot be fixed. Dawn has to learn to accept the situation and work within her new situation. There are some parts that suggest that... Show more

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This is an engaging tale, nicely told, with rich characters sure to delight the young reader. Our protagonist learns many lessons, deepens her connections to others, and comes to appreciate the mystery of sacrifice on her journey. Recommended!

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this is one of the most fabulous books ever. It seems a little confusing at first but still holds one captive. As the story progresses a pattern emerges all can relate to. well worth the reading.

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