
"What has this world come to

when a mother buries her 10 year old daughter

who took her own life

because of the black skies

drowning out her bright light

because even the brightest lights eventually fade out

some are stronger than others

some can hold on longer than others

but when the walls are closing in

we all just keep on falling and falling"

Death, Rape, Smoke, Cold, World, Dead, Suffering, Tears
Posts and Comments
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Absolutely beautiful and sad...written with such heartfelt emotion.

1 Comment

Thank you, also thank you for taking the time to let me know what you think! I really appreciate it.

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A powerful piece I like the repetition (What if...) and falling, this creates a hope only for it to questioned straight after by putting the negative slant on things. I would like to think there was hope behind all the tragedy and things you have described. Well done.

1 Comment

Thanks. It was an English assignment. Writing it was a breeze, preforming it as a slam poem was terrifying!

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Always wonder where darkness and light begin? From the gray blending of day and night. That between dark and light that we all wander through seeking...
It is a dark tribute to never give into the dark as falling, once begun may never stop. I like the walk into the darkness you take us on. Thank You I enjoyed.


Thanks so much for checking it out! If you liked it then you can add it to your favorites!


I will, and have since done so. Thank You!

Important Post

Very deep, this poem presents life in a dark way. It gets the reader thinking. :-) An imposing and brilliant poem.


Thanks so much!!


Your welcome! :-)

Important Post

This reminds me a bit of Allan Ginsberg(without the course language ;)).

Wow. Very well done!

I'm speechless. This is beautiful. Aw, and amazing piece, and very thought provoking too, to say the least. Truthful, I suppose. But it goes beyond that. Unveiling, maybe? Hm, I can't decide.

But, I do believe you deserve one of these: Bravo! And Bravo again!

Wonderfully done. Absolutely wonderful!


1 Comment

Thanks so much! Believe it or not, it was an assignment for my Literature class. We had to make a "Slam Poem" that we had to present to the class. I happened to get very involved and liked the poem that came out of it! It was so fun to make and I enjoyed telling the truth no one... Show more

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OMG THAT WAS AMAZING! You're so talented :') And all of that was true and guess what... we have the same name lmao

1 Comment

Aw that's! and yea we do.

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