The frustration is the way to success.

the despair By:
User: memo1490
The frustration is the way to success.

this book says there is no closed road and no hope. the try leads to success.he was lost and loast his lover as she married another.he met an old woman who cahnged his life.she knew that the deaf neighbor girl loved him as well as she hate her as he didn't understand her. they get loved and married.the happy days for them were short.she did.he tried to suicide.he was saved .the bad was waiting .his old woman friend got dead. he met his old lover who was divorced.they married,but she deceived him.she got evry penny.she asked for a divorce.he divorced hr and returned to his old and sticky friend "the poor".

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J. M. Rivers

I get the plot but the grammar is so bad that I couldn't go further after reading the blurb. However with work, this could be a good book.

The main character seems too trusting to me, such people do exist in the world and I believe that this book could benefit such people so work on it.



yes and what can i do? i have three books at amazon .let me see or talk to my self .if we cooperate as i send you a work and you review and publish as two authorities me and you and we can share or agree to percentage of benefits if it will be sold

J. M. Rivers

Unfortunately, I am soo swamped with school work and some other projects, but I'm sure if you join the group, Better Writers, you could get help from people who are far more experienced than I am.

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Do you know anyone who is fluent in both your native language and English? You need someone who can speak and write in both language in order to fix this.

Very little of either the blurb or the book itself is comprehensible. Your sentences make no sense whatsoever in English, making it impossible to read. Which is a shame, since from what little I could understand, this looks like it could be an interesting and helpful... Show more

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The blog is so poorly written that I won't dare read the book...sorry. No offense.

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it is good for new hope and new life.the life may be expected that it will stopped according to lose our love or getting shock will be completed and we will try to get happy in it.


It's a Picasso-eque type of story.




Could't have said it better myself, Laz.

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